Retired Police Association Victoria
Victoria Police have requested I provide this information to all members.
All information created or collected during employment at Victoria Police is an official record and must be maintained and stored by the organisation in accordance with the Public Records Act 1973. Historically , Victoria Police has not supported members sufficiently in storing and maintaining information collected or created by members. Victoria Police now has a safe and secure archival facility to retain official records, with associated processes embedded to ensure that access to information does not occur without appropriate justification and/or authorisation.
"Personal Holdings" comprise any Victoria Police information held by individuals outside our systems and facilities, predominately kept at member's homes and/or other external storage facilities. This includes briefs of evidence, PB13 diaries, daybooks, memos, audio/visual material or other investigation material
Victoria Police has recently undertaken a "Personal Holdings Amnesty" to assist current employees to return their personal holdings to the organisation. Returning this information may assist investigations and cold cases and minimises security risks in relation to inadvertant disclosure of information. The Victoria Police Act 2013 contains both summary and indictable offences for the unauthorised access to, useof or disclosure of police information by members or former members of Victoria Police.
We would now like to provide retired members with the opportunity to return any personal holdings you may currently hold at your home.
Victoria Police has a fully operational archive centre that can store your records securely and can also provide the ability for investigators to recall this information (if justified and authorised) if required in the future.
If you have any information that should be returned to Victoria Police, please contact the Victoria Police Archive Services Centre on 03 9369 2377 and ask for the Archivist or alternatively email
The Archivist will work with you to arrange the most appropriate method to return the information to Victoria Police and transfer it to the Victoria Police Archive Services Centre.
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