Retired Police Association of Victoria


The 2024 Annual General Meeting of
Retired Police Association of Victoria (Inc.)

will be held at
Mulgrave Country Club
Wellington Road cnr Jells Road
Wheelers Hill

17 September
commencing at
1000 hours

Order of Business
Meeting Opening
Acknowledgement of attendees and apologies
Vale and Police Ode
Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting
President’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report

  • Including Honorariums - By-laws 4
  • Including Application Fees and Annual Fees – Rule 12

Nomination of Life Members
Election of Office Bearers and Committee

  • Including Rule 50(2) declaration
  • including Rule 53(1) Resolution

General Business: to which Notice has been given


Statement from Incoming President
Meeting Close.

Nomination Forms already received will be carried over

Philip A. Parson
Sergeant 16785 (Retired)
Secretary / Life Member
Retired Police Association of Victoria
PO Box 2238
Rowville, 3178
0448 950 691

A Special General Meeting of
Retired Police Association of Victoria (Inc.)

will be held at Mulgrave Country Club
Wellington Road Cnr Jells Road
Wheelers Hill

on 17 September 2024
commencing at 1000 hours

Order of Business
Meeting Opening
Acknowledgement of attendees and apologies
Amendment of the Constitution

Philip A Parson
Sergeant 16785 (Retired)
Secretary / Life Member
Retired Police Association of Victoria
PO Box 2238
Rowville, 3178
0448 950 691

It is our intention to seek to amend the Constitution to alter the duties of the Secretary and<br/> include the position of Membership Officer and propose their duties.

19    Register of members

  • The Membership Officer must keep and maintain a register of members that includes –
  • for each current member –

(i)     the member’s name.

(ii)    the address for notices last given by the member.

(iii)    the date of becoming a member.

(iv)   any other information determined by the Committee; and

(b)    for each former member, the date of ceasing to be a member.

  • Any member may, at a reasonable time and free of charge, inspect the register of members.
  • The register of members may be kept in any manner or form the Committee thinks fit, so long as it is readily convertible to written or printed form.
  • All people may treat the register of members as complete and accurate. Nothing done in good faith based on the completeness and accuracy of the register of members will be rendered ineffective, void or voidable by any subsequently discovered omission from, or inaccuracy in, the register of members.


Under section 59 of the Act, access to the personal information of a person recorded in the register of members may be restricted in certain circumstances.  Section 58 of the Act provides that it is an offence to make improper use of information about a person obtained from the Register of Members.

44    Composition of Committee

The Committee consists of –

  • a President.
  • a Vice-President.
  • a Secretary.
  • a Treasurer:
  • a Membership Officer.
  • ordinary members (if any) elected under Rule 53; and
  • the Immediate Past President who shall be ex officio and will retain the right to vote at committee meetings subject to the provisions of Rule 63.

47    Secretary

  • The Secretary must perform any duty or function required under the Act to be performed by the secretary of an incorporated association.


Under the Act, the secretary of an incorporated association is responsible for lodging documents of the association with the Registrar.

  • The Secretary must –
  • keep custody of the common seal (if any) of the Association and, except for the financial records referred to in subRule 69(3), all books, documents and securities of the Association in accordance with Rule 71 and Rule 74; and
  • subject to the Act and these Rules, provide members with access to the register of members, the minutes of general meetings and other books and documents; and
  • perform any other duty or function imposed on the Secretary by these Rules.
  • attend all the meetings of the Committee, and all Special and Annual  Meetings of the Association.
  • process all correspondence, both Inward and Outward, in connection with the general business of the Association.
  • record the minutes which shall include all resolutions and proceedings of meetings in a book kept for that purpose.
  • record the names of persons present at Committee meetings.
  • maintain the Facebook account and the Website of the Association
  • The Secretary must give the Registrar notice of his or her appointment within 14 days after the appointment
  • .
  • Membership Officer
  • The Membership Officer is the membership administration officer of the Association and is responsible to:
  • maintain the register of members in accordance with Rule 19.
  • provide to the Committee a report at each meeting of the members who have passed away; and
  • provide to the Annual Meeting a report of the members who have passed away in the previous twelve months.
  • provide to the Committee meeting and the Annual Meeting the names of all new members.
  • subject to the Act and these Rules, provide members with access to the register of members
  • Provide information to the Association and governing bodies as required.
  • Provide general reports to the Committee.
  • The Membership Officer is accountable to the President and the Committee.

52    Election of President etc.

  • At the annual general meeting, separate elections must be held for each of the following positions -
  • President.
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer; and
  • Membership Officer.
  • If only one member is nominated for the position, the Chairperson of the meeting must declare the member elected to the position.
  • If more than one member is nominated, a ballot must be held in accordance with Rule 54.
  • On his or her election, the new President may take over as Chairperson of the meeting.

Filling casual vacancies

  • The Committee may appoint an eligible member of the Association to fill a position on the Committee including the President, Secretary, Treasurer or Membership Officer that -
  • has become vacant under subrule 55(3) or Rule 56; or
  • was not filled by election at the last annual general meeting.
  • If the position of a Committee Member becomes vacant, the Committee must appoint a member to the vacant position after the vacancy arises. A member may be invited onto the Committee and remain there until the next Annual General Meeting and then subject themselves to re-election under subrule 53.
  • Rule 55 applies to any committee member appointed by the Committee under subrule (1) or subrule (2).

The Committee may continue to act despite any vacancy in its membership