Retired Police Association of Victoria
Various RPA members organise regular ‘district’ luncheons and the dates are published below. You are welcome (indeed, encouraged) to attend, whether retired or still serving. Simply telephone the appropriate organiser. It will help, if you are going, to let them know for catering purposes, especially as meals ordered but not served must still be paid for.
B, V & M DISTRICT –– Contact Peter Egan on email or 0417536255 for further information. The 2025 lunch is to be held on Friday the 31st October 2025.
BAIRNSDALE - Bairnsdale RPA dinner is on 12/11/2024 at 12.00 pm at the Nicholson Hotel. All are welcome. Contact Peter Petrovich on 0438568707 or email
BALLARAT – Contact Barry Traynor Retired Insp 15284 and mobile 0419 341 849.
BENDIGO – Mark Holloway is now co-ordinating the Bendigo RPA gatherings to be held bi-monthly on the third Thursday of that particular month. Contact 0431 207 842 to advise of your interest in attending the gatherings. We will continue with the bi-monthly lunches on the 3rd Thursday: - The venue will be Reservoir Hotel Marnie Rd. Kennington. Meet in the public bar at 12 noon.
CAIRNS – An invitation to lunch is cordially extended to retired and serving members and partners passing through Cairns. at Trinity Beach Sports Club, Nautilus Street, Trinity Beach. 2025 dates are Friday the 14th of March, 13th of June, 12th of September and 12th of December. Ring Mark Ellwood for your booking to attend the luncheon. Contact Mark 0417 596 536 or Inez Ellwood 0417597032.
CAULFIELD meet on the first Wednesday each March, June, September and December. The Caulfield luncheon is at the "Glass House Restaurant" situated at the Caulfield racecourse. Located across the road on the south side of the Caulfield train station. On the corner opposite the restaurant - is a carpark free to patrons at the restaurant. Contact: Ross Brimmer 17585 on 95219490 or 0414888076.
COLAC – Lunches are to be held quarterly – on the first Friday of March, June, September and December – contact Phil Edge on 03 5231 2910 or for details.
CROWEATERS - We’re a new group that I started in SA. We have about 7 ex VicPol members so far. Barb Rudd organises lunch at the moment at a different place each time and on no particular day/date. All Police services are welcome. Come and meet a few fellow blue brothers and sisters. If you’re around, travelling, visiting, holidaying or just living in this beautiful State you’re all welcome. Contact Barb Rudd 0423275480 for forthcoming lunches.
EASTERN SUBURBS - FIRST TUESDAY at midday in March - June - September - December – at Club Kilsyth, Canterbury Rd Bayswater North. Contact Peter Keighery 0409 025764. All members are welcome to attend.
GEELONG - (Feather Dusters) Luncheons are held from noon on the first Friday of each month at the Sir Charles Hotham Hotel, Brougham Street, Geelong. Contact: Greg Moore 5229 8842. Cops and Robbers Bowls Club meets at 1pm each Wednesday from August to April at various Geelong/Bellarine Peninsula Bowls Clubs. Every second Monday Barwon District Social Golf Club play various local courses. Tee off time is usually 9am. Contact Frank Harrison - 03 5256 1826 for Golf Club information and tee off times.
GOLD COAST - Stephen and Lynne Jennings organise quarterly lunches on the Gold Coast - contact Stephen on 0493 059 563, or Lynne on 0448 884 068. Retired and serving members visiting the Gold Coast are always welcome. Next lunch is Friday, February 28th, 2025 at the Boardwalk Tavern, Coles Shopping Centre, 8 Santa Barbara Road, Hope Island, 4212. Remaining lunches for 2025 will be held on the last Friday of May, August and November.
HEIDELBERG meets at the Greensborough RSL on the second Thursday of each quarter, Contact Ken Heaslip - 03 9439 1617.
MANSFIELD POLICE VETERANS - Contact Kevin Jacobs 15842 on 0427 321 185 for information. Regardless of if you have worked PMF or not.
NORTH CENTRAL RETIRED POLICE GROUP – at the Moama RSL on the third Wednesday of March and July and Please note the change of contacts –:- Richard Jaworski 18158 Phone 5480 3456, email and Fran Martin 16875 Email -
SOUTH GIPPSLAND – BASS COAST -To be held at the Whalebone Hotel, 6 McBride Ave Wonthaggi. NOTE NEW LOCATION. Monday 24th February 2025, Monday 26th May 2025, Monday 25th August 2025 and Monday 24th November. Contact Bruce Corrigan 16985 Mobile 0407040617 or email:
SOUTHERN METRO – Enquiries to Neil Dupuy, Myrene Purcell, Wendy Cowling on 9588 1310 or 0430 108 972. The Christmas lunch will be on Friday 14th November 2025 at the Longbeach RSL Chelsea.
SUNSHINE COAST – Laurie Cuthbert is now organising regular lunches on the Sunshine Coast - contact Laurie 0412 910 777 for details of forthcoming dates. NEXT LUNCH – Thursday 6th March 2025 at the Buderim Tavern, Burnett St., Buderim at midday.
SWAN HILL - Lunches are held quarterly on the first Wednesday of February, May, August and November at the Swan Hill RSL in Curlewis Street, starting at 12.00 noon. Contact Les McPhee on 0427319394 for further information.
TOWNSVILLE – first Wednesday of each month at the Townsville RSL. Contact Ian Palin -0418 385 022.
WANGARATTA - Contacts Laurie O'Connor on 0438531172 or Email
Warrnambool – Warrnambool ex members, the Faded Blues, meet for a meal on the last Wednesday of every odd month at the CITY MEMORIAL BOWLS CLUB, Cramer St, Warrnambool at 6pm. Contact Peter (Moose) or Rhonda Manoel on 0417 314 006 or by email at
WIMMERA CHRISTMAS DINNER – Contact Peter Hughes 16262 on 03 5389 1738 or 0418 504 695 or email
YARRAWONGA at Burkes Hotel, Yarrawonga. Contact Betty Mahoney: 03 5744 1692 or Ron Stone 03 5743 2667 or