Retired Police Association of Victoria

Police Veterans Victoria

Police Veterans Victoria is a process whereby retirees trained to recognise various signs and symptoms of stress, PTSD, depression and other mental health issues, voluntarily provide confidential support at the peer level rather than a professional level and assist members who have left Victoria Police. Retired Peer Support Officers do this by listening, understanding, assisting in problem solving and providing appropriate referrals when necessary.

Police Veterans Victoria follows the belief that individuals who have lived experiences of life issues such as:

the demands and stresses of operational policing;
critical incident stress;
a life-changing event;
an addiction or problem behaviour;

can better relate to other retirees trying to deal with similar issues, than those who have not had that experience.


If you or anyone you know needs the help of a Peer Support Officer please contact:

Police Veterans Victoria
03 9247 3344


If you are in a crisis please contact "000" or Lifeline on 13 11 14



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