Retired Police Association of Victoria
Lew O’Reilly VA Welfare Guidelines
- This grant shall be open to RPA Members ONLY
- Grants should be to a maximum of $1000.00 in any one case unless evidence can be provided where extenuating circumstances exist.
- Grants can be authorised by the sub committee and paid as required and ratified at committee meetings.
- Urgent or emergency funds may be provided in any case where evidence is overwhelming or obvious such as fire, flood, etc. Motel/hotel rooms, cleaners, tradespersons etc, etc. The RPA executive and subcommittee members should be authorised to provide these emergency funds as necessary if believed needed.
- In all cases, funds will be provided by way of paying an account directly to the supplier of the goods or service.
- Cash payments will not be made to the applicant or member being assisted.
- Applications for assistance can be on the recommendation of a peer support officer or RPA member
- A limit of grants in any one calendar year shall be set at $10,000.00.
- Grants or assistance can only be provided were there be sufficient funds available in any one year.
- Receipts for services or goods provided MUST be obtained and forwarded to the RPA treasurer.
- Applications for assistance shall be made in writing on the form from the RPA Website (org)
- All applications shall be kept in strictest confidence subject to the privacy laws of Victoria
This Welfare Grant system shall commence on 1 July 2022