Retired Police Association of Victoria

Lew O’Reilly VA Welfare Guidelines

  1. This Grant is open to Retired Police Association (RPA) of Victoria Members only and is confidential.
  2. Grants are set at a maximum of $1000.00 in any one case unless evidence can be provided where extenuating circumstances exist.
  3. Grants are authorised by the Grants Sub Committee, which may comprise not less than two of the following officials, the RPA Secretary, Immediate Past President, Vice President or Treasurer and ratified by RPA Committee. Decisions by the Grants Sub Committee are final.
  4. In all cases, funds will only be provided via direct payment into the account of the supplier of the goods and/or services. Receipts for goods and/or services must be provided. The supplier of the goods and/or services must provide an ABN.
  5. A limit of grants in any one calendar year will be capped at $10,000.00 and subject to sufficient funds being available.
  6. Applications for assistance must be as per the form attached at the end of this document.